Washington Supreme Court To Rule On Deceptive Subrogation Practices Class Action

The well-orchestrated attack on subrogation continues. Trial lawyer listservs, legal conferences, and organizational efforts to combat subrogation on all fronts have resulted in a rash of class action suits aimed at subrogated carriers based on alleged violations of the Made Whole Doctrine, alleged failures to reimburse deductibles, and alleged violations of fair debt collection practices…

Interview With Gary L. Wickert Featured This Month On Claimwire.Com

This month, Claimwire.com featured an in-depth and personal interview with Gary L. Wickert, partner at Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. (“MWL”). Claimwire serves the insurance industry by providing forms, news, resources, and vendor information to assist insurance professionals involved in the field of workers’ compensation. Similar to MWL’s own website, Claimwire is a relatively new site that…

Subrogating Against God: Recovering Claim Dollars When Natural Disasters Strike

The claims history of most domestic insurance carriers is littered with billion dollar claims as a result of catastrophic losses caused by natural disasters. When God sends a hurricane, tornado, flood, or naturally-occurring fire, the resulting losses can be enough to put many insurance companies into receivership. With no third parties or obvious subrogation potential,…